Beeboxing Hives began in Eugene, Oregon as a manufacturer of Warré style beehives. As a woodworker, Jeff Bandow began his journey with beehives with a single package of bees and his first homemade Warré hive. Success with an individual colony is often fleeting, and he soon expanded into collecting swarms and taking a more bee-centric approach to having honeybee colonies. The descendants of one of those first survivor queens are still active and continue to pollinate, make honey, and continue a way of living they have refined over millions of years of evolutionary history.
At Beeboxing Hives we understand there are multiple ways of keeping bees and many different styles of hives to keep them in. We use local materials to build hives in the tradition of Abbé Émile Warré, with modifications that better protect bees from the elements; and encourage beekeepers to focus on observation and allowing bees to be bees with minimal intervention.