Hives for Beekeepers Homes for Bees
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In the tradition of Warré
Beeboxing hives are inspired by the climate and materials of the PNW and designed to protect the colony from temperature extremes and rain.

Our History
We began building hives because of our fascination with bees and desire to keep them in a way that prioritizes the health and safety of the colony while encouraging observation and minimal intervention by the beekeeper.
Beeboxing Hives began in Eugene, Oregon as a manufacturer of Warré style beehives. As a woodworker, Jeff Bandow began his journey with beehives with a single package of bees and his first homemade Warré hive. Success with an individual colony is often fleeting, and he soon expanded into collecting swarms and taking a more bee-centric approach to having honeybee colonies. The descendants of one of those first survivor queens are still active and continue to pollinate, make honey, and continue a way of living they have refined over millions of years of evolutionary history.

“…it is the qualities of a colony’s inert nest, as much as the abilities of its lively bees, that determines how long a colony survives, how much it reproduces, and thus how well it achieves genetic success”
– Thomas D. Seeley (The Lives of Bees)